Christian Devotions

The Conversation

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.  Proverbs 15:1 (KJV)

In today’s world, we have a glut of words. Everyone has an opinion and a belief which he/she is willing to express to all who will listen. Traffic on Twitter and Facebook is at an all time high.

I am appalled, however, by the vitriol spilling forth in some of the conversations. Whether we agree with something or not, there is no reason to speak uncivilly to others.

My sainted grandmother used to say “Make your words sweet and tender. You never know when you may have to eat them.”  It was her way of reminding me that I was not all-knowing or infallible.

It grieves me especially when those who bear the name of Christ in this world speak harshly and critically about things that we know are not right.  We are to speak the truth in love.

In fact, it is because we love that we speak the truth. As an example of that love, I recommend that you read the blogs of Lori Stanley Roeleveld.  She speaks truth, but couches in terms that are palatable, even if the message is not what the world wants to hear.

Father, God,

Grant us the wisdom and courage to speak your truth in this world. Help us to speak from Your love, not our own arrogance.

In Jesus’ most precious name.


Comments on: "The Conversation" (5)

  1. Judith, I’ve added your grandmother’s quote to my collection. It’s worthy of passing. With your permission, I would like to use it each time I teach tweens, teens, and twenty year olds in my Manner’s Matter sessions.

    Thank you for today’s message.

    Share on!


    • Thank you for your kind words, Carolyn. My grandmother would be delighted to have you quoting her in your Manners Matter sessions. She was reared as a southern lady and maintained that equilibrium all her life.


  2. elauzon said:

    What a great quote from your grandmother. This is definitely something I need to work on and become more aware of, especially when trying to set an example for friends.


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